The EU-ASEAN Business Council’s July webinar lineup was fronted by
Covid-19 Economic Recovery Scenarios For ASEAN:L Vs U Vs W Vs V, yesterday.
PWC/Strategy& took the lead to this informative webinar, with analysis on the economic impact of the pandemic and likely projections for recovery across multiple sectors, joined by an excellent panel of speakers. The well received webinar with over 200 registrations saw attendees gain insight to an overview of perceptions for the ASEAN region and receive expert views by key industry leaders, particularly in the Automotive and Financial Services sector. Furthermore, attendees had the opportunity to engage with the panelists, to address queries they might have on the subject matter, gaining deeper understanding to an area that is no doubt, of key concern to all, at the moment.
Presentation deck for the webinar can be found here
For those who missed the webinar, view it here
The team at EU-ASEAN Business Council expresses thanks and appreciation to Dr Philipp Wackerbeck, Partner, Head of Financial Services Europe, Strategy&, Martin Hayes, President, Bosch Southeast Asia /Managing Director, Bosch Singapore, Johan de Villiers, Managing Director, ABB Singapore and Head of Industrial Automation South-East Asia, Jens Ruebbert, Managing Director & Regional Head Asia/Pacific, Landesbank Baden-Württemberg and Ruud Sommerhalder, Asia Insurance Leader, PwC for making this webinar a successful one.
Next up, the team has planned for you 2 webinars; Future Of Travel & Tourism In ASEAN Post Pandemic, happening today and Catch Me If You Can: Unpacking Financial Crime in ASEAN on Monday morning, 20 July.
Stay tuned for more exciting webinars coming your way!