Multinational Corporation Membership

Membership of the EU-ASEAN Business Council shall be open to companies which are, or whose parent company is:

    • Headquartered in a Member State of the European Union or EFTA, or a country which was in the European Union or the EFTA, and which have direct operations (e.g. distribution, marketing) in the ASEAN region,
    • Are members of at least two European Chambers which are themselves EU-ABC members.
    • Have an annual global turnover above Euro 100,000,000.
    • All parent and subsidiary companies, or affiliated companies, and all companies under substantially the same control or management shall be considered as a group and shall be considered as a single member.
    • Has agreed to be bound by the Terms and Conditions of membership and the provisions of the EU-ASEAN Business Council Constitution (see: )

MNC Members of the EU-ABC may attend up to 3 Mission Trips per annum free of charge.  Attendance at additional Mission Trips will be chargeable at the non-Member rate.

Associate Membership

Associate Membership is open to:

    • Not-for-profit multinational organisations;
    • Ministries;
    • Embassies;
    • Academic Institutions;
    • Consultancies;
    • NGOs; and,

with activities in the EU or ASEAN and who are considered to be members of worth.

Associate Members may attend the General Assembly (AGM) of the Business Council but are not entitled to vote or to hold any office of the Business Council.

Associate members which are trade associations or similar institutions should have a membership that is majority European companies or companies that are headquartered in the EU or EFTA or a country which was in the EU or EFTA.  Only full-time employees of such Associate Members may attend EU-ABC meetings, events or mission trips.  Any Associate member organisation or individual may attend EU-ABC events and mission trips that are normally free of charge to full MNC members by paying a rate that is 50% of the non-member fee where applicable or any special Associate Member fee.


In compliance with Singapore’s Personal Data Protection Act 2012, by joining the EU-ABC the Member acknowledges and agrees to be included into the EU-ABC mailing list. Personal data provided, may be used to:

    • provide services such as being included in EU-ABC mailing lists
    • better understand members’ needs, e.g., through conducting market research and surveys
    • for your security, you may request rights of access, correction, and objection to the personal data provided to us.

All applications for Membership are subject to the approval of the Executive Board.  The Executive Board also decides on the membership fees applicable for the different Membership types and on the charging levels and regimes for EU-ABC organised events and mission trips.

By signing up for membership or renewing membership of the EU-ABC all members agree to abide by these terms and conditions and the Constitution of the EU-ABC, including the provisions relating to fees and termination of membership set out in Articles 4.1 and 4.5 respectively.  For more details please consult the EU-ABC Constitution.