2020 sent us a strong reminder on the importance of building resilience in sustainable development. COVID-19 has disrupted global supply chains, raising concerns over national food security. Social distancing measures mean that manufacturing and services sectors cannot be relied upon as sole engines of growth. Agriculture sector’s potential needs to be unlocked and optimised.
With that in mind, the EU-ABC, in association with Swiss Re held the webinar Protecting Farmers & Promoting Food Security In Indonesia:The Role of Agricultural Insurance, our last for the year. The webinar looked at the important role that the agricultural sector plays in addressing key SDGs around alleviating rural poverty, food security, zero hunger and climate change, and the crucial role that insurance can play in helping protect rural incomes from natural disasters such as flooding and droughts.
Key speakers included Indonesia’s Minister for National Development Planning and representatives from Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Agriculture, as well as JICA and Swiss Re.
For those who missed the webinar, view it here
The team at EU-ASEAN Business Council expresses thanks to the excellent panel of speakers, without which the webinar would not have been possible.