EU-ABC Events

Indonesia Business Mission 2025 (13 – 15 Jan)

Business Mission to Indonesia
Date 13-15 Jan 2025 | Jakarta, Indonesia

The EU-ASEAN Business Council is excited to announce our physical business mission to Indonesia in collaboration with EuroCham Indonesia

Delegates will get the opportunity to meet with the following Ministries & Government Agencies:

  • Presidential Office
  • Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs
  • Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment
  • Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Cultural Affairs
  • Ministry of Finance
  • Ministry of Trade
  • Ministry of Health
  • Ministry of Industry
  • Ministry of National Development and Planning
  • Indonesia Investment Authority
  • Financial Services Authority
  • Bank of Indonesia
  • Directorate General of Customs and Excise
  • Ministry of Communications and Information
  • Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy
  • Ministry of Energy & Natural Resources
  • Ministry of Agriculture
  • Ministry of Environment and Forestry
  •  Ministry of Transport
  • Halal Product Assurance Organising Agency (BPJPH)

* Meetings are subject to availability of the Ministries/Departments

Charges for the business mission as follows:

  • EU-ABC Corporate Member (EU-ABC Corporate Members can join 3 Business Missions as part of their membership)
  • EU-ABC Associate Member (S$1,500 + GST)
  • Non-EU-ABC Member (S$6,000 + GST)

Register here

Registration closes 15 December 2024.

Please contact Annabel at for any enquiries.