The need for sustainable development in ASEAN is increasingly coming into the purview of businesses around the region, as they strive to ensure that they develop inclusive and responsible policies, financing and supply chains. As the focus starts to shift towards green bonds, sustainable urbanisation, renewable energy, and green infrastructure, social issues such as poverty alleviation, gender equality, human rights protection and environmental degradation in the region also come into picture.
These pervasive effects of unsustainable development have to be countered with a strong ongoing engagement between policy makers and the private sector, to ensure businesses in ASEAN remain inclusive and achieve the Community Vision 2025 together as an ASEAN Economic Community. The Council works on a number of sustainability related areas under the purview of this Group, including developments on the Circular Economy, Reduction of Plastic Waste, pushing for Energy Transition and increased Renewable Energy production. The Group is presently chaired by SAP.