
Constitution and Our Governance

The EU-ASEAN Business Council is registered as a Society with the Registrar of Societies in Singapore. It is governed via a formal written Constitution, approved by its Members and lodged with the Registrar of Societies the latest version of the Constitution can be found below


The Constitution sets out, amongst other things, the role of the Business Council, its membership and its governing elements. The general management and operation of the Business Council is arranged and managed by the General Assembly, also known as its Annual General Meeting; the Supervisory Board; the Executive Board; and the Secretariat of the Business Council. The day-to-day administration of the Business Council is entrusted to the Executive Board, and executed by the Secretariat.

The supreme authority of the Business Council is vested in the General Assembly. The General Assembly, which consists of all of the Members of the Business Council, both MNC Members and the European Chambers from Southeast Asia, meets once a year and has the responsibility to: elect the Chairman and appoint the members of the Executive Board; approve the annual report and annual accounts; appoint auditors and be informed of the budget. It also has the ability, subject to a qualified majority voting mechanism, to amend the Constitution.